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Middle Eastern and South Asian StudiesMajor

Degree AwardedBA
Hours To Complete41-45
Courses Required12
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The Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies offers a Humanities based area studies major that allows for two tracks, a Middle East Track and a South Asia Track, which come together at the junior year to form a single, comparative major. Students who complete the major will have the knowledge, languages and analytic tools to pursue employment or advanced study of the region.

  1. Two years study of one of the languages of the Middle East or South Asia (Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Persian, Tibetan), e.g., 101-102 and 201-202; or 201-202 and 301-302; or other sequence of language study.
  2. Two area-specific core courses: MESAS 100 and MESAS 200; or MESAS 102 and MESAS 202.
  3. One common comparative course, MESAS 300, which brings the two tracks together.
  4. MESAS 490W, common senior seminar for MESAS majors.
  5. Four additional courses that focus primarily on the Middle East and South Asia (to be chosen in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies).
  6. Students must meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies regulalry for advising.