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Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Although the College does not impose any automatic administrative penalties for a reasonable number of absences from class or laboratory, instructors may impose such penalties for their individual courses or set other specific policies about attendance and punctuality. Students should understand that they are responsible for the academic consequences of absence.

Absences from Examinations

A student who fails to take any required midterm or final examination at the scheduled time may not make up the examination without written permission from a dean in the Office for Undergraduate Education. Permission will be granted only for illness or other compelling reasons, such as participation in scheduled events off-campus as an official representative of the University.

Deferred examinations must be taken during the student’s next semester of residence by the incomplete grade deadline as published in the Registrar’s calendar or within twelve months if the student does not re-enroll in the College.

Failure to take a deferred examination by the appropriate deadline will result automatically in the grade IF or IU. A student who takes any part of a final examination will not be allowed to defer or retake that final.