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Incomplete Work

A student may be granted formal permission by the Office for Undergraduate Education, in consultation with the course instructor, to defer the final examination or other parts of a course. The student must have completed at least 50 percent of the course work, be able to pass the course upon completion of the remaining work, and be able to complete the remaining work independently (apart from the administration of any missed quizzes or exams).

Approval of incompletes is based on information provided by the instructor as well as documentation provided to the Office for Undergraduate Education by the student of the specific health or personal circumstances. When permission is granted, the Office for Undergraduate Education will record the "I" grade in OPUS. 

All incomplete work must be completed during the student’s next semester of residence no later than the deadline as published by the Office for Undergraduate Education. In some circumstances related to documented health or hardship issues, the Office for Undergraduate Education may approve an extension in consultation with the instructor. The extended deadline and the reasons for the extension will be documented in the Office for Undergraduate Education. If a student with an incomplete grade does not re-enroll in the College, they must resolve the incomplete grade within twelve months.

Students are strongly encouraged to resolve all incompletes before studying abroad, and a significant amount of incomplete work may prevent a student from studying abroad. All incomplete work must be resolved and a grade posted prior to certification of an Emory degree.

Failure to complete the course by the appropriate deadline will result in a grade of IF or IU (or the grade the student would earn if all the missing work is counted as zero) unless the student provides to the Office for Undergraduate Education documentation of extenuating circumstances that will allow the “I” to be changed to a “W” (withdrawal). This change is granted only in cases of significant hardship or health issues or when an instructor is no longer available to receive the outstanding work.

Students may also receive an “I” for any class in which an Honor Code suspicion has been reported. The incomplete is not subject to the regular incomplete deadline, and a final grade will be posted for the course once the Honor Code matter has been resolved.